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Why Take Notes?

  • Taking Notes: Crash Course Study Skills  - The first step in honing your new study skills is to take better notes. In this video, Thomas will tell you everything you need to know to come to class prepared and find a note-taking system that will help you retain and review like a champ.

Do you write down every single word your teacher says in class? Do you only take notes when your teacher writes something on the board? When it comes to good note-taking habits, there is a happy medium that can pay dividends with a higher GPA! Here’s how to take better notes in class and ace your next exam.

It keeps you awake. Note taking forces you to pay attention and helps you focus in class (or while reading a textbook).

It helps you learn. Studies on learning have shown that actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarizing what you hear helps you understand and remember the information later.

It helps you keep a record. You were physically in math class last Tuesday but that doesn't necessarily mean you remember what happened (and what might appear on a quiz). Notes are a record of what you learned in class—and what you need to review.

It will help you study. Review your notes regularly to get the most out of them. You can use them to make up sample test questions or even turn them into digital flashcards.

It’s a skill that will pay off in college. Are you used to your high school teachers handing out outlines or e-mailing copies of their PowerPoint presentations? That's NOT going to be the case in college. Learn the art of note taking now to give yourself a leg up later.

Taken from How Taking Better Notes Can Boost Your GPA


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