Announcements and Events
Smart Pens
It is the philosophy of the Office of Student Accessibility Services that our students act as independently as possible and develop knowledge and skills that will assist them after graduation. Many of our students will be using SmartPen technology which will enable them to take their own notes without needing a second person as their note taker. The Office of Student Accessibility Services will have a limited number of SmartPens for loan to our students.
What is a SmartPen? Please view this video link for your answer!
When students use the SmartPen they are being independent. Most importantly taking your own notes is part of the learning process.
- Student using a Smart Pen becomes independent instead of relying on another student to supply a copy of class notes
- According to Stanford study – taking your own notes by hand is part of the learning process and increases the level of success.
- Student learns about inexpensive technology that may be used by them later in employment.
- Student can download audio files of class lectures to replay.
- Student can download their actual writing of notes and save digital copy on their computer.
- Smart Pen is easy to use for tech savvy students.
Accessible Transportation
UMassD provides transportation services to students with various disabilities between on-campus locations via a wheelchair/scootor-capable van, if needed. To schedule:
For questions regarding this service, contact the Transportation Office at 508.999.9175. If the shuttle service is cancelled, contact UMassD Police at 508.999.8107.